
Full Papers


1) Stoyanovsky DA, Kapralov A, Huang Z, Maeda A, Osipov A, Hsia CJC, Ma L, Kochanek
PM, Bayr H, Kagan VE. ¡°Unusual peroxidase activity of polynitroxylated pegylated
hemoglobin: Elimination of H2O2 coupled with intramolecular oxidation of nitroxides¡±
Biochem and Biophys Res Com 399:139-143 (2010)




2) Shellington DK, Du L, Wu X, Exo J, Vagni V, Ma L, Janesko-Feldman K, Clark RSB, Bayir
H, Dixon CE, Jenkins LW, Hsia CJC, Kochanek PM, Polynitroxylated pegylated hemoglobin:

A novel neuroprotective hemoglobin for acute volume-limited fluid resuscitation after

combined traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic hypotension in mice Crit Care Med.
39(3):494-505 (2011)




3) Hsia CJC and Ma. L . ¡°A Hemoglobin-based Multifunctional Therapeutic: PNPH¡±
Artificial Organs 36:215-220 (2012)




4) Ma L and Hsia C. Polynitroxylated Hemoglobin as a Multifunctional Therapeutic for
Critical Care and Transfusion Medicine (Chapter 8, page169-194). In book: Selected Topics in Nanomedicine, ed. TM
Chang, World Science Publisher/Imperial College Press, Singapore/London (2013)




5) Hsia CJC, Thompson FM, Wang D, Ma L. Polynitroxylated Pegylated Hemoglobin (PNPH) - A Nanomedicine for Critical Care and Transfusion (Chapter 16, page 299-314). In book: Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers as Red Cell Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics, ed. Kim HW & Greenburg AG . Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany (2014, in press).




6) Brockman EC, Bayir H, Blasiole B, Shein SL, Fink EL, DixonCE, Clark RSB, Vagni VA,
Ma L, Hsia CJC, TishermanSA, Kochanek PM. Polynitroxylated Pegylated Hemoglobin
Attenuates Fluid Requirements and Brain Edema in Combined Traumatic Brain Injury Plus
Hemorrhagic Shock in Mice. Accepted to J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism




Recent Abstracts and Presentations




7) Zhang J, Cao S, Ma l, Hsia CJC, Koehler RC (2013) Protection from Transient Focal
Cerebral Ischemia by Transfusion of Polynitroxylated Pegylated Hemoglobin, International
Stroke Conference February 6-8, Honolulu, HI, Stroke in press (2013)




8) Brockman E, Dixon C, Bayir H, Blasiole B, Clark R, Vagni V, Ma L, Hsia C, Kochanek P:
Polynitroxylated pegylated hemoglobin attenuates fluid requirements and brain edema in
combined traumatic brain injury plus hemorrhagic shock in mice. 42nd Critical Care
Congress, January 19-23, 2013.




9) Brockman EC, Dixon CE, Bayir H, Blasiole B, Clark RSB, Vagni V, Ma L, Hsia C,
Kochanek PM: Polynitroxylated pegylated hemoglobin attenuates fluid requirements and
brain edema in combined traumatic brain injury plus hemorrhagic shock in mice.
Neurotrauma 2012, July 22-25, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona.




10) Ma L and Hsia C, A therapeutic hemoglobin nano particle for critical care, emergency, and
transfusion medicine. International Conference of Nanobiotechnology and Microsystem
Innovative Industrialization, Chongqing, China October 22-23, 2011




11) Kochanek PM, Bayir H, Shellington D, Lewis C, Wu X, Du L, Vagni V, Feldman KJ, Ma L,
Kagan V, Hsia C, Clark RSB. Polynitroxylated Pegylated Hemoglobin (PNPH): A Novel
Neuroprotective Hemoglobin in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury Resuscitation. XIII
ISBS meeting in Boston, MA, July 27-29, 2011




12) Blasiole B, Vagni VA, Janesko-Feldman K, Ma L, Hsia C, Kochanek PM. Resuscitation of
experimental traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock in mice: Acute effects of
polynitroxylated pegylated hemoglobin and 100% oxygen. SCCM 40th Congress, San Diego,
CA, Jan 2011




13) Hsia C and Ma L. HemoZyme 3.1: A Paradigm Shift in Transfusion and Critical Care
Medicine, 16th International Biomedical Science & Technology Symposium, Istanbul,
Turkey, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2010



14) Wu X, Du L, Ma L, Shellington DK, Vagni V, Clark RSB, Bayir H, Hsia C, Kochanek PM:
PNPH, A neuroprotectant HBOC: Studies of in vivo and in vitro traumatic brain injury. The
2nd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotrauma Societies, Santa Barbara,
California, September 7-11, 2009.

15) Erik C. Brockman, Travis C. Jackson, C. Edward Dixon, Hülya Bayır, Robert S. B. Clark, Vincent Vagni, Li Ma, Carleton Hsia, Keri Feldman, Patrick M. Kochanek. Polynitroxylated pegylated hemoglobin: an ultra-small volume resuscitation solution that improves acute physiology vs. whole blood after TBI plus hemorrhagic shock in mice.  The 44th Critical Care Congress (SCCM). 2015